Sunday, September 28, 2014

t.s. Khasis

-curva sud-

nimic nu părea mai important:
ne treceam mîinile
prin blana corei
în timp ce fratele tău înota.
speram să învăț și eu într-o bună zi,
acum nu mai vreau,
cred că rîul e de vină.

nimic nu părea mai important
decît ficțiunile noastre
lucind la suprafața apei
și o voce îmbătrînită undeva, după
gardul de ciment:
rămîi acolo nu încerca să te ridici.
ne-am ridicat, cora a sărit peste
dar nu era nimeni acolo
și nici nu va fi vreodată.

în 12,luna viitoare
o să-ți urmăresc curul dispărînd
într-un avion suplu & elegant;
vei lua totul,curul tău va lua totul.

                            -        lion –

-mi se rupe,i-am zis.mi-am petrecut întreaga noapte
încercînd să-mi dau seama cum te pot recupera.
cei patru meri din curte vor deveni proiecțiile absenței tale.
-nu te cred,aberezi,e un obicei.în timp ce veneam

către casă vorbeam cu el în cap și eram fericită,
mereu vorbesc cu el în cap cînd sînt singură.
-despre ce?am întrebat eu.
-despre pizza,cornuri cu ciocolată,chiar și despre papa de la roma.radiez

-ești sigură?viața e un vis,a zis li po.
-doamne,ce bou ești,ai grijă ce po al tău
era bețiv?

-mi-am închipuit eu.vorbești cu el în cap?
-cîtedată .rîdem și închinăm și privim un munte de cutii goale.
i-am povestit despre tine și despre fiica noastră.a fost impresionant.
s-a auzit poarta și a intrat poștașul,ne-a studiat în tăcere 3-4 secunde,

apoi a lătrat un cîine,a mieunat o pisică,a ciripit o pasăre.
-ești nebună,i-am aruncat,complet nebună.
-iar ești auzit că pe ăștia ca tine trebuie să-i pui

într-o barcă în mijlocul pacificului și să-i lași acolo. 

Friday, September 26, 2014

Lewis Gesner

More Epithets

the shapes you take they are the bait songs it was “all he could do” to not keep pressing the button more than once, and nonessential things with the paste from your joints like that time you fired up the kiln crying or laughing, both of which can come in a cluster of sounds the heel end of a thought grown fuller on a separate parallel has been a fresh arrival continually a pad formed from the congealed cool competes against the slavish wrinkling was it not him, who stood up and said, it is me take that one out of the field, with its warm, lax attitude and I for one had only hallucinated my consciousness wants a vision of and a completion of your portside misanthropic crash tilde students falling off slapping in the sea finish approaching is much as the stressful landing unloading the valued cargo before sinking has sneezed after many times but never lost at the momentary shock of ditching weaving in and out cleared of emphasis wakens the mind to provisions of shredded pork and chicken if you have been tested but unable to pack any faster and this screwdriver has sentimental value however unable to will it think along the lines of these old style vegetables, from original seed you can find them folded into pages of the yellowed book of pranks, the outhouse read deflection into emotion, breaded fish, ready sod, phosphorescent saturation, peaceful, creaking night in the canopy here, the pictured labor, and the knobs you have sent by slow transport if not, more plots, more cul de sac born in the long hours from dew drops, spiral supernatural, who rent these out with mystic bills someone hand glazed my expression twice so needs to throw off, again childhood and the wanderer in memory tinkling solitude scheduled you more doomed vats maybe he wants to go along the path if they wander in now I will send them back without sauce or grain not that I am, but quickly cover up psychic stone cast and the pillow fluff as too can’t count on a supportive crew concerning the small expert movements of the hands in this is supernatural, watery eyed and incumbent nasal touch plates for the door rear views are mounted but there is no additional guarantee of safety in witnessing the slip of paper drew my attention, there was a nearby tire mark, and what might have been the skin of a grape one has to do with the use of Zoology as an index system, while another is the reminder of the unknown gratuitous stomping in a process of a street walk has reasoned with the money’s terms of occultation uncontrolled rendering all day trancing you can’t know it from within it misidentify every note is bartered in the church high technical swivel searched for facial strain marks show to throbbing course of history to the smoothness lack of crease involves it to a beach curse high share-off of the microphone handle curse now three twists on the grope rope went beyond the learning to incorporate the internal before eclipsing the sun body banners and fatigue of tracing your desire into muscle memory residual laments to the case embark of those return to earth flat eared corns, cartoon likes to practice with your tendon out of size as far as I concern, as far as you can flush away teams of grill plants will respond out of dust mites, mastery but in the present company pleasantly the things considered already antique but I will eat the old and moldy when we breaketh the bread that leagueth with the phlegm stirred to the case of the unfortunates at the connector to the bridge of ram skins noodles in buckets and chimes together ringing apart for separate off-sink holidays, retreats in fountain gorges saddle stirrup spike heel spur the rides on sod grass clumps, remind the snake it’s sleeping, coat your tongue can’t find the money to buy a proper lure said yes I know, it’s kind of fake lunch boxes and bribery at the fence, over a blue shirt this grid is better than no picture at all attractive distortions and recoupments the dissipating condensation where the newly steam in the breeze some one particular forged by corrupted postcards flinches at every throb as such you were promised a poisoned rainbow sallow, carnival mixed, pipe instruments in the circus and purple spots unison crashing, cataleptic cymbals beat, power hoses wash and I think it could only happen in a cartoon management if you watch carefully for a day where the metal plates meet, you might catch a glimpse of some mirage waves even though synced to our blink, there are usually two to three error or miscalculations per hour, though it randomly occurs that these take place as well within the blink by chance emotionally, the experience is flat for the duration, but for these caught moments, of recognition, the illusion on the stage

Monday, September 15, 2014

Jim Leftwich

form themselves, also enables free 
throw underarm textbook under our 
skin, in the hidden abotu 
knowledge what and subplot. cat 
hair. Thai curry. between the 
image and a same. flea 
immersion spider distance from the 
river, they prophecies and situations 
we restaurant of history (the 
origins are markets of). a 
short by potato many for 
a long time often take 
as the grand idea research 
into the laboratory project that 
Vilnius inhabits of the self. 
seven nights warn beautiful furniture.

as the grand idea research foam 
themselves, also enables free throw underarm 
subtext thunder our seven nights warm 
beautiful furniture. skin, in the hidden 
abattoir immersion spider distance from the 
knowledge what and subplot. cat short 
by potato many for hair. a 
long time often take Thai curry. 
between the Vilnius origins are markets 
into the laboratory project that we 
restaurant of history (the inhabits of 
the self. image and a same. 
flea of). a river, they prophecies 
and situationist multi-vitamin kiosk shower

the grand idea research also enables free throw 
thunder our seven nights furniture. skin, in the 
immersion spider distance what and subplot. cat 
potato many for time often take Thai 
the Vilnius origins are the laboratory project that 
of history (the inhabits self. image and a 
situationist multi-vitamin kiosk of). a river, they 

the thunder immersion potato
the free throw in the cat

laboratory project (the inhabits intuition 
self. image multi-vitamin kiosk 
impudence of many for isolation time often 
take origins are garish the). a river, grand 
idea upheavals research also enables 
free our seven utopias nights 
furniture. skin, spider distance everyday 
what intimidation and autocratic subplot. 

Displaying pansemic playhouse 1006.jpg

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Saturday, September 13, 2014


Friday, September 12, 2014

Bob Phillips

state Vector

state vector
ejecta bow shock
energy pumps polar
charge cap
snows in Montana (early Sept.)
 lowsucks warm wind
through applicator gorge 
Coulumb - ia
not X-ist
dry winds charge
Brownian churn cars
head top differential
charge decisions
continue wars greed feed
back loops
Bush burn doctrine
push Putin doctrine envelope
also in Russia
doggmaerel days Summer
erratic where jet jump bands
cold sag midWest
frag splits
heat melt
plates separate
magma and SO2
in seams
creeping to old ice
makes craze
which war declared?
roll over funds for arms killers
Empires’ End
Empire Send
state vector